MBBS, MD Medicine, IDCCM (Critical Care)
PG Dip in DM and Renal Management, RCP UK
FIDM (Diabetes), CMC Vellore
Educational Qualification
- Completed MBBS in 2013 from NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Center, Nagpur, MUHS University.
- Completed M.D.General Medicine in 2018 from D.V.V.P.F’s Medical College, Ahmednagar, MUHS University.
- Completed IDCCM (Critical Care) in 2020 from ISCCM, Mumbai, ISCCM University.
- Completed PG Dip In DM and Renal Management in 2020 from EACME, UK, RCP, UK University.
- Completed DFID (Diabetes) in 2021 from CMC, Vellore, CMC, Vellore University
Professional Experience
- 2013 – 2014 : Internship at Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur (M.H.)
- 2015 – 2018 : Resident in General Medicine at DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar (M.H.)
- 2018 – 2019 : Intensivist & IDCCM Candidate at Criticare Hospital & Research Institute, Nagpur (M.H.)
- 2019 – 2020 : Specialty Medical Officer (6 Months) at K. B. Bhabha Hospital, Mumbai (M.H.)
- 2019 – 2020 : Consultant Physician & Intensivist at Criticare Hospital & Research Institute, Nagpur (M.H.)
- 2020 till Date Consultant Physician & Intensivist, ICU In charge, S S Multispecialty Hospital – Saraswati Kidney Care Centre, Nagpur (M.H.)
- 2020 till Date Distant Fellow In Diabetic Management CMC, Vellore (T.N.)
Work Experience in Medicine
- Worked as Junior Resident in Department of General Medicine at Dr. Vikhe Patil Memorial Hospital, Ahmednagar.
- Working as Intensivist in Department of Critical care at Criticare Hospital & Research Institute.
- Working as Consultant Physician & Intensivist / ICU In charge in S S Multispecialty Hospital – Saraswati Kidney Care Centre, Nagpur (M.H.)
Work Experience in OPD
DVVPF’s Medical College & Hospital
I have worked in the Department of General Medicine at Dr. Vikhe Patil Memorial Hospital & Medical College, Ahmednagar as a resident. The Department of General Medicine of the Dr. Vikhe Patil Memorial Hospital is a tertiary referral center for Medical diseases.
The department runs a general medicine outpatient clinic 6 days a week. Department also runs a speciality clinics in Cardiology, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Hematology and HIV & TB, and is equipped with TMT, EEG, ECG and PFT.
The teaching activities of the department include journal clubs, seminars, clinic-pathological correlation, case presentation, lectures, and guest lectures.
S S Multispecialty Hospital – Saraswati Kidney Care Centre
I am Consultant Physician, Diabetologist and Intensivist, practicing general as well as diabetic OPD in Hospital. Diabetic patient were counselled regarding adequate sugar control and life style modification. Laboratory facility is available which aids in early diagnosis of patients.
Work Experience in IPD
DVVPF’s Medical College & Hospital
Inpatient ward consists of 150 beds out of which around 115 to 120 patients were present from 5 units with daily admission of approx 20 – includes mix patients like Stroke, Paraplegia/Quadriplegia, SACD, Syringomyelia, Parkinsons, Bell’s Palsy, COPD, ILD, Bronchiactasis, Kochs, Pneumonia, Pneumoconiosis, Valvular Heart diseases, Congenital Heart disease, IHD, Cor Pulmonale, Cardiomyopthy, DVT, Infective Endocarditis, Gastroenteritis, APD, ALD, Liver Cirrhosis, Viral Hepatitis, IBD, DM, CKD, etc. HIV and HIV related opportunistic infections.
I have also managed patients of ARDS, TRALI, Acute MI, Ventricular Arrhythmias, Heart Failure – Pulmonary Edema, Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter, AV block with pacing, Pulmonary Embolism, Community & Hospital acquired Pneumonia, Acute Exacerbation of COPD/BA, Acute Liver Failure, Acute Upper/ Lower GI Bleeding, Acute Pancreatitis, Hepatorenal Syndrome, Dyselectrolytemias, Fluid & acid-base imbalance, Endocrinal emergencies like DKA, HHS, Adrenal Crises, Hypoglycemia, Thyroid Storm, Myxedema coma, Pheochromocytoma, etc., Hypertensive emergencies/urgency, Intoxications/Poisonings, Meningitis, Encephalopathies, Stroke/TIA, Status Epilepticus, GBS/AIDPs, Alcohol Withdrawal syndromes, AKI, CKD, Tumor lysis Syndrome, Hyperthermia related illness and Shock in an ICU setup.
I have worked in the department from 2015 to 2018. As a resident, I had the responsibilities of clinical work and as well as teaching the undergraduates. I have also contributed to the departmental work through ongoing research projects.
CritiCare Hospital & Research Institute
I had worked as Fellow IDCCM and followed by Consultant Physician & Intensivist in Department of Critical Care in Criticare Hospital & Research Institute, Nagpur. It is multispecialty hospital with 11 bedded fully equipped high tech advanced intensive care unit (ICU), 2 bedded casualty and 27 beds ward. Hospital had ICU which includes both medical and surgical type of patients.
S S Multispecialty Hospital – Saraswati Kidney Care Centre
I am working as Primary Physician and ICU in charge. It is multispecialty hospital with 8 bedded fully equipped ICU, 1 bed casualty, 20 beds ward and Hemodialysis Units. There are 3 Hemodialysis Unit which include a unit of HBsAg / HCV positive patients.
Dissertation Topic for MD
Researchers Name : Dr. PARAS ZUNKE
Teaching Experience
Conduct Clinics as well as Lectures in General Medicine for Undergraduate (MBBS & BPTh) and Internship medical students.
Posters Presented in Conferences
Topic : Pulmonary Histiocytosis with use of smokeless form of tobacco (Misri) causing pulmonary Hypertension: a rare case
Presenter : Dr. Paras Zunke
Conference : MAPCON,Nashik, 2017
Topic : Initial presentation of G B Syndrome – Back Pain
Presenter : Dr. Paras Zunke
Conference : MAHACRITICON : Solapur 2017
Topic : Invasive Aspergillosis in Critically Ill Immunocompetent Patient with Severe Influenza
Presenter : Dr. Paras Zunke
Conference : CRITICARE, Hyderabad 2020
Paper Presented in Conference
Topic : Electrocardiographic changes & its correlation with 3 months outcome in patients of stoke.
Presenter : Dr. Paras Zunke
Conference : MAPCON, Nashik, 2017
Topic : Pulmonary Histiocytosis with Use of Chewing Tobacco (Misri) Causing Pulmonary Hypertension in Western India: A Rare Case. Sch. J. Med. Case Rep., Jun 2018; 6(6): 379-383 (ISSN: 2347-9507)
Presenter : Paras Zunke, Arun Tyagi
Topic : Original Article- Pattern of cardiovascular diseases among elderly patients admitted in medical wards in tertiary care teaching hospital in western India. Intl J of Med & Health Research, 2017;3(11):135-40 (ISSN: 2454-9142)
Presenter : Rahul Gadekar, Paras Zunke, Arun Tyagi
Topic : Original Article- A study of effect of HIV status and ART on anthropometric characteristics (Height, weight & BMI) among institutionalised children in Western India. Intl J of Med & Health Research, 2017;3(9):137-40 (ISSN: 2454-9142)
Presenter : Amit Ahale, Marcia Waran, Paras Zunke, Arun Tyagi
Topic : Original Article- A Study of Prevalence of Anemia Among HIV Patients and its Correlation with Clinical Stage of AIDS, CD4 Count And Antiretroviral Therapy, International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Inventions, 2017;4(2):2698-2701 (DOI-13834177436)
(e-ISSN: 2348-991X p-ISSN: 2454-9576)
Presenter : Paras Zunke, Marcia Waran, Arun Tyagi
Topic : Review article – BRAIN DEATH – Its Relevance in the Era of Organ Transplantation.
Presenter : Mugdha Lakhotia, Arun Tyagi, Amit Ahale, Paras Zunke
- CME on “JOIN HANDS TO END TUBERCULOSIS”, 25th July 2015, DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar.
- Workshop on “SOFT SKILLS” 2015 at DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar.
- Workshop on “MICRO TEACHING” 2015 at DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar.
- CME on “SURGICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY” on 23rd November 2015 at DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar.
- CME on Obstretics & Gynaecology “EVECON” 2015 at DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar
- CME on Obstetrics & Gynaecology “GYNECON 2016” on 27th February, 2016, DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar.
- CME on “ANAESTHETIC CHALLENGES IN OBSTETRICS” on 5th March 2016, DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar.
- “BASIC WORKSHOP IN RESEARCH METHODOLOGY”, 9th, 10th& 11th March 2016, DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar.
- CME on “UPDATE ON CHILDHOOD TUBERCULOSIS” on 16th March 2016, DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar.
- CME on Haematology “MEDUCATION” 2016 on 6th April 2016, DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar.
- CME on Pediatrics & Obstetrics Imaging “RADIOPEARLS 2016” on 24th April 2016, DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar.
- CME on “NEUROLOGY SYMPOSIUM” held on 2th February 2017 at IMA, Ahmednagar.
- APICON 2017. Annual conference of THE ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIAN OF INDIA held on 26th- 29th January, 2017, Mumbai.
- MAPCON 2017. Annual conference of MAHARASTRA ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS held on 6th – 8th October 2017, Nashik.
- MAHACRITICON 2017. State conference of CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE held on 17th – 19th November 2017, Solapur.
- Workshop on “BLS & ACLS” in August 2018 Certified by AHA.
- MAHACRITICON 2018. State conference of CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE held on 23rd – 25th November 2018, Kolhapur.
- CRITICARE 2019. 25th Annual National Conference of Indian Society od Critical Care Medicine held on 1st – 3rd February 2019, Mumbai.
- Executive Member in Society of Critical Care Medicine, Nagpur for 2021 – 2023
Extra-curricular Activities:
- Clinical Meet on “Case Presentation- Cryptococcal Meningitis with Tubercular Meningitis in HIV negative patient” at DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar.
- Best PG Resident in DVVPF’s Medical College & Hospital during academic year 2017-2018
- Brig (Dr) Arun Tyagi (Retd), MD, FISC, FIACM
Prof. & Head, Dept. of General Medicine,
DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar – 414111 - Dr. Marcia Waran, MD
HIV Consultant
Asso. Prof., Dept. of General Medicine,
DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar – 414111 - Brig (Dr) A.K. Shrivastava, MD
Asso. Prof., Dept. of General Medicine,
DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar – 414111 - Dr. Deepak Jeswani, MD, ISCCM (Critical Care)
Consultant Physician & Intensivist,
Director and IDCCM Teacher,
Criticare Hospital & Research Centre, Nagpur – 440012 - Dr. Dilip Kshirshagar, DTDC
Consultant Chest Physician and Intensivist,
Criticare Hospital & Research Centre, Nagpur – 440012 - Dr. Amit Pasari, MD, DM (Nephro)
Director and Consultant Nephrologist,
Saraswati Kidney Care Centre – S S Multispecialty Hospital, Nagpur – 440015 - Dr. Manish Balwani, MD, DM, DNB (Nephro)
Director and Consultant Nephrologist
Saraswati Kidney Care Centre – S S Multispecialty Hospital, Nagpur – 440015